
The Cloud Base

  1. Instruments for planning and improving the performance of optical networks
  2. Playbooks, scripts, and application programming interfaces are some of the tools available.
  3. Adaptive multi-pathing capabilities for broadband, transit, and cloud gateways

Showdown and Trials

  1. Instruments for measuring and identifying problems during the setup process
  2. In order to determine how separate components can be combined in the most effective manner, kindly review our large testing database.
  3. In a network matrix, fluctuations, irregularities, and failure-causing factors can be found.


  1. A single or several lambdas may contain multiple optical services that have been bundled together.
  2. The synchronisation of unstructured data with NetOps allows for the acceleration of service provisioning times.
  3. Service level agreements are built on top of a distributed ledger and utilised for edge resource orchestration.

Bringing coherence to data structures and making progress on intelligent orchestration

We make use of unstructured data in order to improve network orchestration and ensure that application performance is at its highest possible level.

Mining the telemetry data on the network side as well as the emotion data on the application side helps us improve orchestration and circuit multi-pathing.

Telemetry data is synchronised with application sentiment data such as log files, chat, text, video, tags, or media in order to optimise when and where services are pushed to the edge. This is done in order to optimise when and where services are pushed to the edge.

Providing a Cutting-Edge Supply of Resources

The concept of network slicing, which partitions computing resources from network resources, serves as the conceptual cornerstone for the orchestration of edge cloud resources.

There has been progress made on allocating edge resources within the confines of a single data centre or cloud. However, the multi-domain infrastructure, or the edge orchestration of the multi-administrative domain, has not kept up.

We are working on developing novel approaches to service alignment at the periphery, such as distributed ledger technology and smart contracts, among other things. In particular, Web3 organisations that see benefits from having flat, decentralised service hierarchies.

  1. Intelligent coordination of edge-based resources
  2. Assign the most appropriate resource for edge computing (cloud exchange).
  3. Decentralized databases and service networks
  4. Fabric ledgers for SLA distribution
  5. Multiple-user support
  6. Multi-stakeholder environment