Testing Services


Before launching any new goods, the members of our team develop a test strategy and test cases to verify that they are of the highest possible quality. We use a database to keep track of the features, functionality, and performance of the product, as well as the status of any regressions, and we report on all of these things on a regular basis.

The test plans cover a wide variety of products and features, including microservice fault tolerance, orchestration, multi-pathing, YANG model pushes, and SerDes firmware testing. Our QA team is able to discover problems and provide recommendations for their resolution.


We provide data from independent third-party optics tests in order to assist your infrastructure team in achieving success.

  1. Compared to the norm
  2. Be able to work with ambiguity
  3. Bolster road map for design

We have developed a comprehensive framework that includes more than a thousand different tests. This framework covers a wide range of topics, including FEC capability, differential group delay, offset gain control, resampling, crosstalk, I/Q imbalance, BER sampling, suppression ratio, and throughput Tx/Rx.


We have developed subsystem, component, and interface tests that are specifically customised for DSP, ROSA, TOSA, WSS, EDFA, ITLA, and PDU. The results of our experiments are as follows:

  1. MSA Requirements
  2. The performance of flawed hardware is quantified

The test suite that we've built comprises a broad spectrum of variations in stress, soak, throughput, temperature, and power.


The results of our integration tests place components into one of two categories: (i) newly introduced products, and (ii) well-known brands. We are now in a position to accurately assess which product or module is best suited for a particular network because we have put hundreds of different components through their paces.

As part of our integration methods, we verify whether or not our products are compatible with digital signal processors and optics. We execute tests to ensure that the microcontroller, firmware, and host interface are all synchronized.

A battery of reaction tests is carried out through the management interface in the time that passes between instances of alarm at the physical layer and the protocol level.

Determine the performance parameters that will provide your network with the best results.

  1. We will offer you an accurate measurement of the temperature of your network.
  2. We determine which components are most appropriate for your environment.
  3. We provide insight that may be put into practise for over sixty various metrics and comparisons altogether.
  4. In order to analyse and test the effectiveness of your design, we will consult our database of 10,000 different use cases.

An Analysis of the Outcomes

Use the operating environment that will be used on the target device to simulate an HLD.

The consideration of potential outcomes of various design configurations in order to reach a conclusion.

Theoretical Compatibility

  1. The testing and verification of both the hardware and the software
  2. Checking the Logic Behind Link Budget Models
  3. Stress tests in both the lab and under real-world conditions

Integration of NMS

Support for Application Programming Interfaces and Robotics Process Automation in the Network Monitoring System

Capabilities of a Controller and Orchestrator

Verify management plane

  1. Establish and carry out an exhaustive testing plan in advance of launching into production.
  2. Cut down on day-two maintenance and deployment times.
  3. Take charge of your network and remove yourself from the shackles of dependence on a single vendor.